Action Team Descriptions
These are the descriptions for what is involved with each of our action teams. We would love to have you help with the area that most excites you.
Surveillance is the groundwork that builds our knowledge in order to plan successful actions.
What you will do:
- Monitor traffic patterns in and out of various pipeline construction worksites in Burnaby.
- After an orientation you will set up at one of several locations to look, listen & record movement of equipment, vehicles and people in and out.
- Sign up to a date (weekly or bi-weekly), whether weekday or weekend.
- Schedule your two-hour shift (anytime between 6:15 am- 5:00 pm).
- This is fully legal, non-arrestable surveillance that takes place well outside their fences & injunction zone.
- Submit your reports through our secure communication channels.
- Actually do something that will make a difference.
What skills and experience you'll bring:
- You are prepared to be outside in any weather (bring a chair?)
- Ability to focus, observe, and record findings / field notes.
- Willingness to make brief reports following your shift using our existing online communication platform.
- Bonus: if you team up with a friend it doubles our capacity as we can monitor multiple connected sites simultaneously!
Start Date-Immediate.
How to Apply:
Please write a brief note telling us why you want to be a part of Protect the Planet, including a sense of your available days and times - and email it to with the words Surveillance in the subject line. We look forward to hearing from you!
Non-Violent Direct Action
There comes a time when we see clearly that the laws - particularly injunctions that protect extractive and oil industry corporations while criminalizing protectors - are not serving life in our time and place. When this happens, the only sane response is to stand up and make a difference. If we do not... the alternative is a spiral into guilt, shame, denial, addiction, distraction, depression etc.
At Protect the Planet we are building momentum for our 2022 mobilizations. We welcome you alongside of us in this important work. Every day is a good day to stand up, and it is easier than you may think.
What you need to know:
- You can actually stop pipeline-building work in Burnaby by standing close to pipeline work areas.
- Most of our actions do not lead to arrest (there is always the option to be arrested if you wish - but we don't advocate it)
- TransMountain security will likely call the RCMP if you refuse to move. The court-imposed injunction-enforcement process means that you will be offered a chance to walk away without charge, even after the RCMP arrive.
- Full details provided at NVDA Training.
- YOU can actually do something that will make a big difference towards stopping this destructive tar-sands pipeline expansion.
What skills and experience you'll bring:
- You are prepared to be outside in any weather.
- You have found / or would like to find your Peaceful Warrior Spirit.
- Love for water, salmon, orcas, birds, trees, a liveable future - whatever brings love to YOUR heart.
- You can show up.
Start Date Immediate and extending until the Canadian Government starts putting people and the environment before Corporate profit.
How to Get Involved:
Please write a brief note telling us why you are considering standing up to Protect the Planet - and email it to ppstmx -AT- with the words Direct Action in the subject line. We look forward to hearing from you, and will let you know when the next Training is scheduled.